In the past year, it has become increasingly clear that Entergy New Orleans (ENO) has devoted substantial resources in an highly coordinated effort to promote and influence the public and law makers – including primetime television advertisements and funding of a recently established “independent” nonprofit organization, Resilience NOLA, to produce research and testimony in support of “Operation Gridiron,” a $1 billion plan to upgrade utility infrastructure for the City of New Orleans, to be paid for by new fees for New Orleans ratepayers.
Access to sources of heat, light, and water are vital necessities and have been considered sacred in cultures across the globe and throughout time.
Now, in many places, these critical resources are controlled by private, for-profit corporations that place the interest of their shareholders over their obligation to provide affordable, reliable service to their ratepayers. We are urging the New Orleans City Council to declare utility access a human right and to adopt policies – such as a prohibition on residential disconnections for inability to pay – that protect our communities. |
The Energy Future New Orleans Coalition is: |